PCGL ChangeMaker's Institute Financial Aid Application
Thank you so much for your interest in the PCGL ChangeMaker’s Institute.
The ChangeMaker’s Certificate requires that you enroll in and successfully complete the following courses:
- 101 – A New Frontier of Changemaking
- 102 – On Purpose
- 103 – Consensus Building in a Global Community
- 104 – ChangeMaker’s Fellowship
While all of our courses are designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to create effective change, students who enroll in the ChangeMaker’s Certificate program will have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive changemaking fellowship. After successfully completing all three courses, they will take all of the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired and create blueprints to implement real social change. This certificate provides young women, aged 14-19 years old, with the opportunity to stay engaged with the ChangeMaker’s Institute for up to two years as they gain deeper insight into the realities of changemaking and gain first hand experience enacting these changes.
Students who successfully complete all four courses will earn a PCGL ChangeMaker’s Institute Certificate and a transcript from Miss Porter’s School that exemplifies their passion and dedication to becoming an effective, driven changemaker.
For impact-driven young women (ages 14-18) around the world who are committed to making social change in their communities.
Although this series of courses do not need to be taken in the first year, they must be completed within 3 years.
To note: It is more impactful that you take these courses in the order they are listed.
Cost: $2210 USD
Taken individually, the total cost is $2600. We offer the opportunity to pay for the Certificate, rather than course by course, at a discount of 15%.
In 101 – A New Frontier of ChangeMaking, students will learn the basics of the social change sector, how to understand systems of oppression, and the power of consensus building and collective impact. Each week, students can expect to spend 3-6 hours engaging in asynchronous work and 2 hours engaging in live class meetings over Zoom.
For impact-driven young women (ages 14-18) around the world who are interested in exploring complex social issues and who feel passionate about making social change.
Fall 2024 Cohort: September 21 – November 9, 2024
Saturday Mornings 9:00-11:00 a.m. ET
(8 sessions)
Cost: $600 USD
In 102 – On Purpose, students will be given a framework and the support to meaningfully reflect on who they are and who they want to be, while discovering and understanding the meaning of purpose and how to apply purpose to changemaking. Each week, students can expect to spend 2-4 hours engaging in asynchronous work and 2 hours engaging in live class meetings over Zoom.
Pre-requisite: ChangeMaker’s 101
For impact-driven young women (ages 14-18) around the world who are interested in exploring how their identities inform their perspectives and who feel passionate about making social change.
Fall 2024 Cohort: January 18 – February 15, 2025
Saturday Mornings 9:00-11:00 a.m. ET
(5 sessions)
Cost: $400 USD
In 103 – Movement Building Fellowship: Consensus Building, students will learn how to build consensus around an issue locally and globally, how to communicate across differences, how to interview stakeholders and experts and how to draft a plan for actionable social change. Each week, students can expect to spend 3-6 hours engaging in asynchronous work and 2 hours engaging in live class meetings over Zoom. Prerequisite Courses: 101 and 102.
Pre-requisite: ChangeMaker’s 102
For impact-driven young women (ages 14-18) around the world who are interested in exploring how their identities inform their perspectives and who feel passionate about making social change.
Fall 2024 Cohort: March 29 – May 17, 2024
Saturday Mornings 9:00-11:00 a.m. ET
(8 sessions)
Cost: $600 USD
In 104 – Movement Building Fellowship: Taking Action, students will move from planning to action and implementation, while developing their leadership skills. They will receive group and one to one coaching on how to implement meaningful change. Each week, students can expect to spend 2-6 hours engaged in this fellowship.
Pre-requisite: ChangeMaker’s 103
For impact-driven young women (ages 14-18) around the world who are interested in exploring how their identities inform their perspectives and who feel passionate about making social change, but want to make it happen!
Fall 2024 Cohort: September 13, 2025 – May 16, 2026
Bi-weekly/monthly meetings on day and time that is convenient
(8 months, monthly meetings with additional 1:1 sessions with mentor built in)
Cost: $1000 USD
Complete your application!
We offer a limited amount of need-based financial aid for each ChangeMaker's Institute course. If tuition is a financial barrier, please complete our financial aid application by June 15, 2024 for our On Purpose (Summer 2024) course and by September 1, 2024 for all other courses. Decisions about financial aid will be sent by email. if applying for the On Purpose (Summer 2024) course, you will receive a notification by June 20, 2024. All other applicants will receive their decision by September 5, 2024.
Questions? Reach out to Sophie Paris at sparis@missporters.org.